Thursday, August 21, 2008


PPC Advertising or Pay Per Click can be affordable over time but it needs to be done carefully or you could end up paying more than you need to. I look at PPC Advertising as not really being needed if you can get good search engine optimization by a professional SEO Firm like CyberQuest Network. But if you anxious to get your product to market then PPC Advertising is for you. Just be sure to understand that PPC Advertising is not the same as SEO.

Monday, August 18, 2008


PPC Advertising is a very tricky thing when it comes to online SEO. Many times the SEO Firms that produce this service will expect for you to cover the cost because it is considered an expense that is required if you go this route and of course they are willing to lead you by the hand to get it right. Problem is that this isn't SEO. PPC Advertising is just them guiding you to what is available. Lazy SEO costs money but they don't care cause it's not thier money it's yours. Don't fall for it.

PPC Advertising
PPC Advertising